Friday, February 7, 2020


     What does ascension mean?  You hear it in the context of Jesus in church, but what does it really mean?  How can it have true impact without really understanding the context.  Ascension is the act of rising to an important position or higher level.  To ascend is to climb up or to rise into the air.  Jesus literally raised to a higher position.
     Three days after Jesus was cruelly killed, He rose Himself from the dead.  He never did not do something He said He would do, even the impossible.  His heartbroken followers did not know how to accept this.  I think this is why He revealed himself to two men on the road to Emmaus first.  It would be easier for the to accept and to get the good news out quicker. 
     Jesus was no longer tied down to the boundaries of our natural laws.  He could come and go through time and space.  He appeared to His friends when they were locked in a room together in hiding.  He did this to give them the gift of peace in the midst of unrest.  They thought He was a ghost.  When they were able to wrap there mind around it, they acted like things were before.  They went back to the comfortableness of friendship.  He had them promise to stay in Jerusalem until God made it clear to leave.  Then they would go and be His witness to the world  clothed in God's power.
     Jesus spent 40 days with the people.  These were the very people who betrayed, disappointed, or actually killed Him.  He showed them love and enlightenment.  His presence changed everything and opened the door to understanding. 
     The last time He was on Earth was with the 11 remaining apostles.  He spent some quality time with them and gave Peter the gift of forgiving himself.  Then, Jesus ascending before their eyes into Heaven.  He promised to return, but never said when.  It was not in their life time, but it doesn't mean it couldn't be in ours or the next generation.  We want to be prepared because the next time He comes it will not be as pleasant for humanity.

Luke 24

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