Friday, March 27, 2020

Bad Choices

     We have all made bad choices.  Here is the thing, no sinful choice is worse than another to God.  We are the ones that categorizes them.  How we respond to the bad choices is what matters.  We have to learn from them and change.  We have to go to God honestly and humbly about not listening to Him and ask for forgiveness.  Then ask Him to help you fix it and move on.
     Sarai was drowning in her dispair.  She wanted children so badly that it was distorting her judgment.  Being a mother was supposed to be her thing and she had never had it.  In her desperation she came up with an idea: Abram have a baby with her servant.  At the time it sounded like a good solution, but she had not thoroughly thought it out. For Abram it was probably just sex and he had permission from his wife.  He wanted to give her what she wanted, but he too did not think what it would mean to take things into his own hands.
     Once the servant, Hagar, got pregnant, the household became hostile.  Sarai was jealous for the obvious reasons.  Abram dealing with two angry resentful women checked out.  He refused to take any responsibility.  This makes for a tumultuous household.  This is not a healthy environment for any child.  Sarai took things into her own hands once again.  She began to mistreat Hagar in her jealousy and resentment.  It got so bad that Hagar fled. 
     An angel found Hagar to give her some comfort.  After all, she had the least say in what was happening.  He told her to go back and her descendants would be blessed by multiplying.  Her son was named Ishmael because God had heard her misery.  He was also cursed to only have enemies because this dysfunctional family chose to take matters into their own hands instead of waiting on God. 
      Marriage was meant to be one man and one woman.  There is no need for anymore people.  If you disobey by inviting other people into your intimate life, then you invite misery and suffering.  This type is not character building, but self inflicted judgment.

Genesis 16

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