Thursday, March 26, 2020

Heart Covenant

     Have you ever had to wait for something?  I am not talking about a few days, week, or long months.  I am talking about years and decades.  Life is shorter than what it used to be, so waiting decades seems impossible.  It could last for half of your life or longer.  However, if you wait on God's timing, when you get it, you will appreciate it in a way that people who retrieved it easily will never comprehend.  It also simplifies things, so there are no complicated hang ups or snags that cause heart ache or confusion along the way.
     God came to Abram in a vision.  God really revealed Himself revealing the depth of that relationship.  Abram was struggling with having everything on Earth that he could possibly want, but no kids to leave it to.  No one to carry on his name and tradition.  He just had to wait for God's timing and the promise of children would happen.  
      Abram believed in what God had promised.  God revealed to Abram what his family line would go through and how they would be blessed for hundreds of years.  He showed Abram how large and diverse his family would become.  They made a covenant based on what God showed Abram and his act of faith.  Abram did not go in blind.  He knew what he was doing and was blessed for it.  Faith without fear hold great reward.  However, faith without works hold no power or strength.  It is just words and feelings.

Genesis 15

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