Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Needing Rescue

     Have you made multiple bad decision that get you in so deep that you can't get out on your own?  God made us where we need each other in different ways, but we all need other people.  However, no one wants to admit that they got in over their head.  Some will never ask for help and stay or drown in their mess.  That is unless they are lucky enough to have people that care enough to rescue them without being asked.
     There was a period of suppression that lasted 12 years until the people rebelled.  Anyone who knows anything about war or national rebellion knows that it causes great economic decline.  Even the people not involved get sucked into it.  There are innocent victims.  However, God's chosen people seems to be untouched financially by it.
     During this civil war of five kings versus four kings, some people tried to flee from the cruelty that goes along with what appears to be lawlessness.  When they ran they fell into tar pits while others escaped to the mountains.  Lot and his family were taken prisoners of war probably because of their wealth.  They took all his possessions, but one of his servants were able to get away to get to Abraham with what was happening.
     Abraham did not waste time.  That was his nephew and no one was going to mess with his family.  (Ironic that was not his attitude a few years earlier in Egypt with his wife.)  Abraham, known as Abram at the time, got together 318 trained men and pursued Lot's captures.  When they were near, he divided his men for the attack.  Of course Abram was the victor because God was with him.
     Lot's rescue also helped others whom tried to give him gifts to repay him.  However, Abram would not allow any evil into his life.  Sodom was known for its evil ways.  He would not take any payment from anything to do with Sodom because of a vow he had made to God.

Genesis 14

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