Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Burden of Wealth

     Abraham took his family from Egypt after he literally screwed over the Pharaoh.  He took a lot of wealth that he had earned along with his family that was there.  He was prospering and so was his nephew Lot.  They were gaining so much stuff that they could no longer stay together and thrive.  Their servants were arguing over land because they did not have enough to sustain the large number of animals in the herds.
     Abraham and Lot decided to separate for the well being of everyone and on good terms.  Because Abraham loved his nephew he told him to take the first choice in which direction Lot wanted to live and he would go the other direction.  Lot saw some land that looked fruitful and beautiful.  He chose the region of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Looks can be deceiving.  He chose an evil place because of appearances.
     Abraham headed toward Canaan.  Since Abraham showed generosity and kindness to his nephew which pleased God.  God reaffirmed His covenant with Abraham.  In return, Abraham build another sacred altar to God.  
     God gives us things and we are the stewards over whatever it is that He gives.  If we are selfish or foolish with what He gives, then He will take it away.  However, if you show kindness, love, generosity, and wisdom with what God gives you, then He is more likely to give you more.  If does not chose to go that route, then do not despair.  He has something valuable in mind for you, it just probably will not look like what you are expecting.

Genesis 13

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