Monday, March 23, 2020

Even Role Models Screw Up

     Abraham was an amazing man that followed God even when he didn't know where he was going.  God made promises to make a great nation from Him.  Abraham's name was promised to be great and to become a blessing onto those whom did good to him and a curse to those whom intended harm. 
     When Abraham agreed to follow with no itinerary, map, or any directions, then God showed him what would be his land.  This land was already inhabited, so it would not be his right then.  To mark the moment and to bless the land, Abraham built an altar to God before moving on.  Some unknown time later a famine hit.  It was so severe that Abraham took his family to Egypt. 
     In Egypt, Abraham got himself into some trouble.  He knew just how beautiful his wife was and how jealous men could act.  He told everyone that his wife was his sister to save his own life.  This opened the door for men to notice her.  She caught the eye of Pharaoh who married her. 
     God was not happy with how things were occurring.  He inflicted a plague onto Pharaoh's household even though he was unaware of the bigamy situation.  When he learned the truth he was not happy.  He gave Sarai back and ordered them to leave.  Abraham was a great man, but he really screwed up.  He lost his faith momentarily to fear and took matters in his own hands. 
     If he had left it to God to take care of, then things probably would have worked out much better for them.  Maybe his blessing would have come sooner.  Had Sarai not gone along with it, then maybe she would have had her blessings sooner and more bountifully.

Genesis 12

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