Sunday, March 22, 2020

Dividing Factors

     There are times in life that you can't always resolve issues and save relationships.  It is sad, but is becomes tragic when it becomes nations dividing.  God can fix anything, but sometimes He allows this to happen for the benefit of the people.  Look at this Corona Virus.  It has brought nations to it's knees.  We don't yet know how it is going to change things, but we do know that it is reshaping how the world functions.  We may not be able to see how it is for the good of people, but I have faith that it is somehow.
     God gave us gifts and a brain to make or fix things.  We need to use it to glorify Him instead of causing division.  If you use it to hurt people, then there will be consequences.  Look at the story about the tower of Babel.  The people wanted to make themselves like God, so they began to build a tower to reach Heaven.  Maybe the goal was to take Heaven.  I do not know.  The consequences was that God scattered the people throughout the world and gave them different languages, so they could no longer communicate easily.  When we rebel against God, life becomes more difficult.
     Eight generations pass and Abraham is born.  He was married to Sarai, his niece.  She was barren which made her vulnerable.  Women who did not have children were considered cursed by God.  In her case, that was not true.  It was so God could do something special in and through their lives.  That whole family was different.  They did things differently.  They journeyed the world, but as a strong family unit.  They worked hard not to become divided.

Genesis 11

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