Saturday, March 21, 2020

What Happens after the Fresh Start?

     We all get a do over (or two) of sorts in our lives.  The real question is what do we do with that opportunity?  Do we play it safe and miss out on opportunities?  Do we not take advantage by over stretching and loss the opportunity?  Or do we embrace the second chance and ask God to navigate the murky waters of redemption?  
     Most people fall into the extremes.  It makes them feel in control or safe.  However, to get the most in life we have to go through the unpredictable path with the attitude of humility.  The whole point is redemption.  It has been the plan from the beginning.
     No one is perfect.  When we start over, there will be new mistakes.  People get hurt.  It may be you, but more likely you will be the one that hurts the people in your life.  It is our nature to be selfish.  It takes work to put loved one's needs over our own desires.  Life requires balance.  You don't need to give up everything, but you don't need to be the only one getting everything either.  
     Noah's kids made their own mistakes.  They spread out and their families went in different directions.  They formed their own languages and began their own nations.  There is nothing wrong with how they chose to live.  Just because a person is family, it doesn't mean that you are required to be close.  It is nice if that happens, but in some families it is better to have distance to be able to live a faithful life. We just need to be sure we did all we could before walking away.

Genesis 10

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      Christians need to learn humility to be a reflection of Jesus in the world.  It take understanding that you focus on Jesus instead of ...