Sunday, March 29, 2020

Do You Really Want to Know?

     I hear it said if I had known, then I would have done things differently.  However, is that really true?  If so would you have done things differently would it have been because you wanted to or because of the pressure of getting it right.  Motivation is a key point.  God wants us to come to Him willingly, not because we think we have to to make things better.  He wants genuine love.
     One afternoon, Abraham was sitting enjoying a relaxing moment resting from the heat.  In their culture you treat visitor, even uninvited ones, like VIPs.  He got up as soon as he saw them and rushed to them.  He somehow knew it was God.  I like to think the others were Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the flesh (even though it has never been mentioned that He has ever done that).   However, they were probably angels.
     He washed their feet as a humble sign of respect and offer of relaxation and then refreshing food.  He turned it into a banquet of sorts because he went all out.  They told him that in a year, he would have a son.  Sarah overheard and laughed.  It was too much, she was almost 100. 
     When they were leaving, Abraham escorted them a ways and talked.  God had chosen Abraham to direct His children to do right according to God's standards, not mans.  God told Abraham His plans for Sodom and Gomorrah.  This is when the other two left for Sodom and Gomorrah.  That is why they were probably warrior angels.  Since Lot lived there, it distressed Abraham.  He always wanted what was best for his family.  At the end of the conversation it was a little unclear of what would happen, but I think they both knew.  God left and Abraham went back to his life.
     Abraham was privy to know all this because of his relationship with God.  In a way, I am sure he appreciated it.  However, he could not change anything.  He had to sit back, try to be patient, and wait for events to occur.  So, is it better to know?  Or, is it better to just live life walking in faith?  I don't have the answers.  However, I don't think I really want to know all the aspects of the future.  It would be too much to bare.

Genesis 18

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