Monday, March 30, 2020

Corporate Consequences

     There are consequences (good and bad) for personal actions.  That we understand, but did you realize that there are national consequences too?  We are all a part of different groups, cities, and nations.  We are not alone in decision making in certain situations.  When you decide to go with the flow even when you know it is wrong, then you are saying it is okay.  That puts you in with facing the consequences of others choices.
     The two angels that left Abraham went to Sodom.  They found Lot at the city gate.  He took them to his home and was the good host.  He prepared them a place to stay the night.  However, before it was time to retire the men of the city surrounded the house.  They wanted to have sex with the men. 
     Lot stepped out to talk them out of doing this wicked thing.  He even offered his own virgin daughters as an alternative.  The men became angry, so the angels pulled him back into the house before he got hurt and struck the men with blindness.  They told Lot to get his family and leave immediately because Sodom was going to be destroyed that night along with Gomorrah. 
     If they did not hurry, then they too would perish.  They were ordered not to look back or to stop until they reached the mountains.  However, Lot begged to be allow to go to a small town called Zoar.  It was granted. 
     That night Sodom and Gomorrah were covered in burning sulfur.  (I sometimes wonder if this is Pompeii, but I am unsure if it is even the same region.)  As the cities burned I am sure they heard the cries of pain and suffering as they ran.  The smell must have been overwhelming.  It had to be a nightmare.  This may be why Lot's wife turned around to see, but since she broke the rules and was turned into a pillar of salt.
     They did not pay the full cost that the cities did, but they still lost everything.  Lot even lost his wife.  His daughters lost their mother and fiances.  He led his family down a dangerous path and they paid the price.  No one gets off without some kind of consequence.

Genesis 19: 1-26

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