Tuesday, March 31, 2020

What Do You Do after Losing Everything?

     Every person is different.  We all handle things differently.   Even the seasons in life will affect how well a person will handle pressures in life.  However, who we are is a core part of predicting how we may handle certain aspects of life.  
     Lot took his two daughters away from people. He began to live his life in fear. He has saw and experienced true trauma.  He saw his wife and friends die in a nightmarish way.  He heard things that no one should ever have to hear.  His response was to move into a cave.  I imagine it had a good view.  He could see if anyone came before they got near him or his family.
     However, what kind of life is that for young women.  It left them with no prospects of husbands or their own families.  Lot may not have handled things well, but he did the best he could without going to God.  His daughters on the other hand really have me wondering on what they were taught in their home.  They grew up in a perverted culture and maybe they just did not see what they did as wrong, but it really was.
     They took turns getting their father, Lot, drunk and had sex with him.  If they could not have husbands, then they were going to have children.  Lot never knew what happened until he found out they were in fact pregnant.  His children/ grandchildren were Moab and Ben Ammi.  Each became a powerful Nation: Moabites and Ammonites.  However, both nations were cruel.
     We all have a choice how to handle what we can't control.  They may not be easy or clear choices, but they are your choices.  The choices that we make, make up who we are.

Genesis 19: 27-38

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