Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Jesus' Mystery

     We know that Jesus died horribly.  We know that He rose again in three days.  What we do not know for sure is what happened in those three days.  Some believe that He went to hell, but I have never actually read that in the Bible.  However, He told Mary that He had not been to Heaven yet either.
     We still do not see anything behind the veil of death.  We have to go through the doors to stay to see the truth.  That is why it is so painful for some when loved ones die.  No matter if the separation is a short one, it is a time of tears and missing your loved ones.
     We find comfort in Jesus.  He knows our pain.  He saw how the people who loved Him mourned and hurt over His loss.  He experienced losing loved ones while on Earth.  He had angels comfort Mary who was weeping so hard she could not move from His empty tomb.  She was mourning Him, but when she thought that His body had been stolen it became too much.  That is when she saw Jesus, she thought He was a gardener.  When He spoke her name, she knew.  Her pain finally found relief.
      When He came to His 10 friends, they were locked into a room together in hiding.  He just appeared.  He blessed them with peace, something they desperately needed at that time.  It is the peace that comes with believing.  That night, they received the Holy Spirit and He never left them.
     Thomas had not been with them, so he did not believe.  He had to see Jesus for himself.  I think maybe it hurt too much to have hope.  If they were wrong, then the pain would be too much for him to bare.  It was a week before Jesus returned to them.  This time Thomas was with them, but his name became doubting Thomas.  Those of us whom believe without seeing are blessed with a life of faith.  All Jesus did was for our benefit.

John 20

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