Thursday, March 5, 2020

Miraculous Goodbye

     Jesus remained on Earth doing miraculous things after His resurrection for 40 days.  Not a long time, but long enough to be seen by enough people in different settings to know it was not just a rumor.  All this was for our own good.  What would have been good for Him was to go home.  He again denied Himself for us,
     The last time Jesus was ever seen in human form was by the Sea of Tiberias.  He spent the last of His human time with His 11 friends.  This time around He was not with them constantly.  I think it is so that they could see for themselves that they could follow Him without Him holding their hands.  Kind of like a parent teaching a child to ride a bike.  Once they can, they never need their parents to hold them up again.
     The apostles had been fishing all night without any success.  Jesus gave them new instructions before they returned to shore.  When they obeyed, they received so many fish that they could not get them into the boat.  They had not realized it was Jesus.  He was far enough away that they could not hear His voice distinctly or see His face, but not too far from them.  They thought it was just a man on the beach wanting some fish, until that moment and Peter had to be with Him.
     Peter jumped out of the boat and swam to Jesus.  They rest followed in the boat.  While Jesus waited on them to join Him, He built a fire and was cooking breakfast.  They spent the time in genuine fellowship.  After the meal was done, Jesus turned to Peter.  He knew that Peter was sorry for betraying Jesus.  Jesus needed Peter to understand that he was forgiven and needed to forgive himself.  The healing process can be painful.
     Everyone there knew that Peter would live and die to glorify Jesus from that day forward.  However, Jesus wants us to take care of our own life and salvation.  Let each person take personal responsibility.  It is not anyone else's right to interfere into the private nature of the relationship of God and person.  We only need to intervene when it is for the greater good for that person or the church.
     When Jesus finished His last lesson, He ascended into Heaven.  Now that is a sight I wish I could have seen.   I wonder if they understood that it was the last time anyone would see Him until He truly returns one day.

John 21


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