Thursday, March 19, 2020

Spring Cleaning: A Fresh Start

     Have you ever wanted a fresh start?  Have things in your life gotten so messed up that it can't be fixed until you go to the beginning and start unraveling the mess?  Have you ever just wanted to start over? No matter what your motivation is, it is healthy to do a good cleaning out in your life. 
     God needed a fresh start with humanity.  People had gotten so bad, that He just needed to start over and the animals were collateral damage as He did so with a mega flood.  He saved one family and enough animals to repopulate the world.  He did not forget about them as He reformatted His creation.  He just wanted a clean slate to have perfection again.  That entire population drowned and went to hell.   Not ideal for humanity, but it is God's world we just live in it.
     When the waters began to go down the ark was placed on top of a mountain where it stayed forty more days before Noah opened a window to let out a bird.  If the bird did not return, then it was safe to leave their confinement.  However it did return because it had no where to make its home.  I am sure every animal and human was ready to get off the boat after months inside.  This process too another few weeks.
     Finally, God gave them permission to leave the ark and release the animals.  As soon as Noah was on DRY ground he built God an altar and worshiped Him.  God was pleased, so He made a covenant with Noah to never curse the ground again.  His Spring cleaning was over and the world was fresh and new again. 

Genesis 8

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