Tuesday, March 17, 2020


     We are uniquely made.  We all have different personalities and different skill sets.  We are all creative in different ways.  We all see the world through unique perspectives.  With so many things that make us different, how do we come together on anything?  The truth, in some ways we do not.  We have to find the ways where we are similar and then be committed to working on relationships.
     All creativity comes from God.  For some people God speaks to them with special instructions to create a world changing thing or event.  Noah was one of those people.  God told him exactly how to build this huge ship that would carry every type of animal and all the surviving humans for a long period of time. 
   Noah spent years on this project.  Once it was done, he had seven days to gather all the animals into the ark.  It must have been such a marvelous masterpiece.  For the nonbelievers, it must have been beautiful, but strange.  Was it even near water?  I don't know. 
     God told Noah once the doors were shut that they would not open again and they didn't until it was over.  God shut and sealed the ark as the rain began.  It was a monumental downpour for 40 days and nights.  Imagine how scary it would have been for the people who had been warned, but only mocked Noah.  All of a sudden water fell from the sky and not just a little.  It was like a waterfall with no boundaries. 
     As the water rose, so did the ark.  It got so high that it covered the mountain tops.  Everything that was not in that ark perished.  The flood lasted 150 days.  The horror of death was over, but the struggle of life was just being transformed.  It may have became more difficult, but God gave them things in return.
     The thing is, the ark was not the only creative masterpiece that happened.  It is the focal point.  However, God showed creativity with rain.  He also used this event to reshape the world.  He started over with His masterpiece: Earth and all that was in it. 

Genesis 7

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