Monday, March 16, 2020

What Crazy Looks Like

     We all know those people that just do not fit into society's standards.  You may be one of them.  Then there are those people that take it a step further.  Most of them are harmless to society, but they do things that make it where they will never be accepted.  Noah was one of those people.  He was assumed to be crazy by his community.  It must have been a shock to realize that he was not actually crazy and that they were fools for not listening to him when they had a chance.
     Noah was born when the world was really beginning to become populated.  That also meant that many people had forgotten about God.  If not forgotten, then they had lost their fear of Him.  They lived how they wanted to live committing all types of sin without thinking of consequences: short term or eternal. 
     God reduced their lifespan to 120 years.  ( I believe that we are still in that maximum age limit today.)  The Nephilim roamed and probably ruled the world for the most part.  They were a large breed of human that was powerful.  No matter who they were (giants or demigods), they did not live in God's grace. 
     The evil in people's hearts grieved God, so he decided to wipe out the world.  He looked to see if there was anyone worth saving and he found Noah. He had Noah and his church (really only his family) to save all the animals in the world and build a huge ark (ship) to keep everyone alive when He flooded the world.
     Now, you have to see it from the nonbelievers eyes.  It had never rained.  They had never experienced even a small flood, let alone a life threatening and devastating flood.  Noah is going around telling everyone what will happen in some unforeseen future and they did not believe or understand what he was talking about.  They believed he was crazy. 
     Noah had a covenant with God, so he acted in faith obeying God to the smallest instruction.  He knew God would keep His word.  He did not let the people who thought he was crazy stop him.  He stayed focus on his goals because he had an expiration date and that would be it.  No second changes. 

Genesis 6

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