Sunday, March 15, 2020

Battle of the Sexes

     The Battle of the Sexes began in Genesis after the banishment from the Garden of Eden.  It is all part of the curse that God placed on men and women.  Men are built to be stronger, so they can support their families.  Women have a strong mentality, but physically weaker bodies.  We can either build up our men and help them to be strong or we can use our ways to destroy the family.  It is not usually intentional, but when a woman feels unloved or unappreciated over time, she is more likely to do something unhealthy for the family unit.
     The only way we all win is if we fight the nature that comes with the sex.  Men need to keep their focus at home and not allow their eyes to wonder to "greener pasture".  Women need to trust their man to take care of them.  If he has not stepped up, then it may be because the woman has taken over his job and he feels unneeded. We need to work hard to make our men feel needed, but not to become needy.  We will never have a successful home life if we insist on taking over the man's role.
     We do not learn how to be a man or a woman on our own.  We need our parents to step up and become what they want us to be.  It is the parent's responsibility to teach boundaries, expectations, and roles in life, marriage, and other relationships.  If you do not have any good role models in the home, then pray over it.  God will send you a mentor. You do not have to be stuck.
     It may take more work for some than others, but this is a life fulfilling work.  Accepting your responsibilities and limitations is the key to having a content, if not happy life.  Remember, happiness is a mood, not a mentality or way of life.  The families that you look at and respect or even want to be like do not just happen.  It requires work.  We don't have hundreds of years to figure it out like the first few generations did.  We need to learn from their mistakes and work hard to have the life that God wants for us.  We need to work together and not against each other to be stronger.

Genesis 5

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