Saturday, March 14, 2020


     We all have different types of rivalry throughout our lives, but some of the most intense times are when it is within the family.  You hear about it all the time, families being split by something that seems so trivial.  Then there is the rare occasion where family member actually really hurts or kills each other.  It is hard to comprehend what drove a person to do that to someone else, but especially a family member.
     Adam and Eve had two sons that did not get along.  It is believed that they had other children since they began the human race, but the girls were not mentioned.  The two siblings were Cain and Abel.  Abel cared for the flocks while Cain worked the fields.  They both worked hard and were honest in how they made their living.  However, God preferred Able.  It had nothing to do with it being animal sacrifices versus plant sacrifices.  It had everything to do with the heart condition between the two brothers.  Cain held onto jealousy, envy, and internal rage.   While Abel only wanted to be close to God. 
     Cain seeing how Abel was favored drove him to kill his brother.  God confronted Cain to see if he would confess.  I guess it is human nature to try to hide anything that will make you look bad because so far in history everyone had done just that.  Cain replied to God that he did not know.  He lied and God know it because Abel's blood called out to Him.  Cain had not learned from his parents.  Maybe because he had never seen the garden, he didn't view it as a loss.  God had to punish him and did so by cursing Cain's crops to not yield and restless wonder the world.
     Cain begged God to take back the curse, but God saw his heart and knew it was for the best. God still loved Cain, so no one could kill Cain or their punishment would be seven times worse.  Cain was marked, so that everyone would know who he was and what he had done.  To kill a person is like trying to kill God.  We are made in His image.  Murder is a far worse crime than ruthlessly killing animals or any other of God's living things. 
     Cain moved to the land of Nod where he established his family and built a city naming it after his son.  It was the first city ever mentioned in the Bible, so I believe it was the first time that a place was developed for people to live together for community, safety, and stability.  Humanity was established with all it's flaws in tacked.  God knows our flaws, but commands us to rule over sin instead. 

Genesis 4

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