Friday, March 13, 2020

Facing What You Did

     Adam and Eve were the first people to disobey God.  They did not really realize the full extent of what they had done, but they were now uncomfortable and fear had been introduced into their lives.  When they heard God walking in the garden, they hid.  They only came out when He called for them, like children with their heads hanging and obvious that they had done something wrong.
     God probed a bit to see if they would confess.  Instead of taking responsibility, Adam blamed Eve.  FYI, she never forced him to do anything.  When the blame was placed on her, God turned to Eve.  He asked her what this was all about.  Her response was to deflect too.  Again, Satan didn't force her to do anything.  Influence is a strong thing, but it is not the controlling factor.  Your decisions are all your own.
     God did not care for their responses too much.  He may not have cursed humanity on top of banishing them had they taken ownership with repentance over what they had done.  However, since they all tried to get out of it, we still hold the curse that God presented that day.  Snakes, have no legs to live in dust (Satan appeared as a serpent).  Women would not have suffered during labor and feelings of wanting to be equal or superior to men.  Men would not have had to labor to have food, home, or possessions.  However, there was a promise that Jesus would come to fix what they had broken.  He just never promised when Jesus would come.
     The curse of death always went along with eating the forbidden fruit.  They thought before that it would be instant.  Instead, God had it linger.  We now watch our bodies become old and fragile.  We have years to think about the things we have done and what we could have done differently.  We also have time to make things right and get in a good relationship with God. 
     God had to banish them, so that they would not eat the fruit of eternal life.  Eternity in that state would be cruel.  He also did not leave them to fend for themselves.  He provided clothing for them.  That was the beginning of innocent blood being shed to cover sin. 
     Humans lost pure innocence that day.  No one has ever been born into the perfect world.  On top of all that, they no longer were able to walk with God in person.  I can't even imagine the feelings that go along with being with God in person daily to never seeing Him again until you enter Heaven.  I guess it is kind of the feeling of those who go to hell, but they will never see Him.

Genesis 3: 9-24

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