Thursday, March 12, 2020

Needing Drama

     Adam and Eve had everything they needed and more in Eden.  They had the most simplistic life with a happy, healthy marriage, satisfying work, perfectly health, and physically able to walk with God in the garden.  They were not void of anything.  The thing is, when humans are content they seem to go looking for something they don't need.  It may be unintentional, but it is human nature to push boundaries or want excitement.
     This is when Satan came into the picture.  He could sense a stirring occurring in both of them.  It was not bad.  Nothing ever has to come of feelings no matter how strong they are.  I think it is rooted in wanting to be with God, but we turn it into something else.  Satan whispers lies in our ears and we listen because it sounds exciting.  When in fact all he is doing is encouraging you to invite drama into your life.
     If you watch movies, then you know there would be no movie without drama.  They don't make movies about people that had carefree content lives.  That said, not all drama is bad.  Sometimes we have to create a little drama to rectify a wrong that needs to be corrected:  Moses and the 10 plagues, Martin Luther King Jr, Jesus dying on the cross, and many more.
     Adam and Eve had a choice.  Eve chose to listened to Satan.  Adam was close enough to hear did nothing to stop her.  Instead, he followed her.  God created woman to help the man, not the man to follow the woman.  That is another conversation for another day though.  The point is that Satan will take advantage of us and try to destroy us whenever he has an opportunity.  He hates us because God loves us.
     When you invite drama into your life, you discover things about yourself.  Adam and Eve realized they were naked.  It was never meant to be a issue, but when they lost their innocence their purity was lost too.  All of a sudden nakedness became something to be ashamed of, dirty, perverted.  They still had not realized what their impulsive decisions would cost them and all of us.  However, before judging them, if they had not sinned then their children or someone else would have.  We are weak in nature or character when we are not with God.

Genesis 3: 1-8

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