Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What Perfection Looks Like

     God created everything in six days.  On the seventh, He rested.  He took the day to enjoy all He had done.  That is how that day became Holy.  Other than the laws of nature that was instated when He was creating, it was the first law.  One day a week, rest and spend time with Him.
     God created man from dust and then gave Him life by breathing into his nostrils.  God planted a garden and called it Eden.  It was His gift to Adam (the first man).  The garden had everything (it didn't even need rain) and it's beauty attracted things that it was not intended for.  God knew it would happen, so He gave Adam boundaries to keep him healthy and happy.
    God gave Adam an occupation to keep him satisfied in life.  He was the manager of the garden.  He was responsible for all the animals and naming them.  Yet, God said it was not good for man to be alone.  All the animals had others in their species to live life with.  Adam was alone, so God decided to give him a partner in life.  A partner to help him with all his responsibilities.
     God put Adam in a deep sleep and took one of his ribs.  God used the rib to make a strong and beautiful mate for Adam.  She too was made in God's image, but in a different way.  She was made for Adam in every aspect.  This is why when a couple get married the union is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.  Today, women still have one more rib than man.  There is someone for everyone.
     This also is how it began that once children grow up and find their partner in life, that they leave the protection of their family to become one.  They are meant to be stronger together.  It is a union, but the unity doesn't usually happen over night. 
     Marriage is a determined journey of being completely vulnerable to each other. Afterall, Adam and Eve lived their lives in the garden naked.  There was no guilt or self-conscientiousness about it.  It was natural and right.  They had nothing to hide from each other or God. 

Genesis 2

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