Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What is God's?

     We all think that we own or created things in life.  It can be a slap in the face when we realize that we do not.  We don't even have ownership over our own bodies.  The vocabulary that we use is possessive, so from the very beginning we grow up believing things are ours or theirs.  God spends our whole lives trying to show us that it is all His, but because He loves us, He gives you things to have or possess while you are alive.  It doesn't change the fact that we are still just the stewards, not the owners. 
     God created the world and heavens (universes).  He created light and all the beautiful things.  He even created time, so that we could have structure in our lives.  He created all living things.  He made sure our world was full of beauty and perfect before He ever created us.  He created all these things because it made Him happy, but also so we could have the ideal life.He created us to be different. 
     We are different from any of His other creations because we are all created in His image (He was the blueprint and we are the variations).  He created people with brains to be able to think and make things or solve problems.  We are the managers of this world. 
     We are accountable for how we treat this world and all that is in it.  We are the rulers over the animal kingdom.  We are responsible of taking premium care of our bodies.  How do you think we are doing in taking care of God's world?  Are we upholding the boundaries that God established in the very beginning before there were any laws?

Genesis 1

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