Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Hearing Expectations

    I think one of the best things that God ever did for us was to put into writing what He expects of us.  For hundreds of years people mostly guessed at what God wanted.  A few people got to hear from God and know what he wanted, but most were clueless.  Maybe they wanted to know, but if they were not near a prophet then they were left with only being able to do the best they could.
    God saw that His chosen people would always stray if not constantly being reminded who He was.  He spoke to them in person at the base of Mount Sinai, but it was too much for them.  They were too afraid to really hear what He was saying.  We all know what He said:
1.Do not worship any other god other than the Living God.
2.No idols- this sin punishes the children up to three or four generations, but show Him faithful love and repaid up to 1,000 generations.
3.No not misuse God's name
4.Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy- it doesn't matter if you chose Saturday or Sunday, take that day of rest for respect and honor to God.  You are not to be the cause of anyone else having to work either.
5.Honor your parents and it will be revealed by the quality of your life.
6.Do not murder- hold hate in your heart
7.Do not commit adultery- lust in the eyes
8.Do not steal
9.Do not lie or slander another person
10.Do not envy/covet- be content with what God has given you and maybe He will give you more
    The first four are about your relationship with God.  The last six is about your relationships with people.  God did this to help people from sinning.  These are not a joke.  The are not negotiable.  You don't get to chose which ones you want to keep.  They are for every living person and the point is to realize you can't do it on your own.  You need God.  However, we have to hear them and then read them to be able to start understanding where we can live by them.

Exodus 20


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