Thursday, May 21, 2020

Expectations Written Out Part 1

    It is nice when we get to hear what is expected out of us, but if it is new information only a fraction of it will stick over a length of time.  The best way to learn new things is to hear, read, and write it.  We can't be expected to do our best in things if we do not understand the rules or boundaries.
    Up until now in history the rules were given sporadically in a fashion that suited the situation.  God wanted to be known, but not everyone is willing or know how to listen.  When Moses went up Mount Sinai on behalf of the people he got more thorough explanation of the 10 Commandments.
    Idols were not to be made out of anything.  Basically an idol is anything physical that you put before worshiping God.  He is so serious about this one that He even instructed on how His altars were to be built.  They were not to be fancy, but natural and pure.  They were to have purpose: offerings and fellowship.  Today, the altars are the church buildings.
    If a person owned a slave, then the slave only worked six years and then would be released on the seventh.  Seven has been a divine number since creation.  The servant had the choice to stay with the master, but it was up to the released slave.  They became a bonded-servant which was signified by a puncture hole in the ear.  This becomes important a few hundred years later.  Also, families were not to be separated.  It even addresses what is now human trafficking.
    A murderer is to be put to death unless it was an accident, then they spend their life in prison.  A kidnapper should be put to death along with any person that would curse their parent.  If you cause harm to a person, then you pay the price.  If you take a person's means of income, then you are responsible for their livelihood.  God was very thorough in the details because He knows what people are capable of.
    It may seem harsh, but it is meant to be.  We have no right to do whatever we want at the expense of other people.  If a person does not pay the price immediately, then it will be paid eventually because we all face God one day.  The people that watch and know about the injustices of the world are just as responsible as the people who conduct the acts. 

Exodus 20:22-21:35

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