Friday, May 22, 2020

Expectations Written Out Part 2

    People learn best through listening to instruction, reading it, and writing in personal details.  However, until we start doing it for ourselves it is just a concept.  If we want to see change, then we have to start living out that change.  Everyone has abilities.  Some aspects are easier for some people and more difficult for others.  We need to learn to help those who don't excel where we do.  At the same time we need to accept help in the areas that we do not thrive in.
    People are expected to earn their income in an honest manner.  We do not have a right to steal from another person or people.  If a person does so knowingly, then the punishment according to God's standards is to repay five times over.  If the thief can't pay, then they become a slave until restitution is met.  
    It is considered stealing from God to withhold your tithe.  Trust me, you do not want to steal from God. Here is the part that most people do not realize: your first born is to be dedicated to God.  All first borns are considered His: human and animal.  We are all expected to live a Holy life, but for them it is more valued.
    We have social responsibilities to take care of each other in the sense of keeping each other mentally and physically well.  That means if you destroy your neighbor's property, even by accident, then you are responsible to take care of it.  
    If you lend money to a desperate person, then you are not to charge them interest.  That only puts more of a burden on a burden laden person. 
    If a man sleeps with an unspoken for virgin, then he should marry her.  It is never okay to take a person's virtue.  
    Anyone involved in sorcery of any type, animal sexual predators, and idolaters fall under the death penalty.  They are the people that introduce destruction into the neighborhood.  That is why the neighborhood is responsible for taking care of sin among themselves.  
    We are not to mistreat people that are not like us or a part of your community (religion or nationality).  We are to take care of the orphans and widows (single women) around us.  They do not have the protection that parents or a spouse should provide.  If you mistreat them, then God's anger will be focused on you.
Exodus 22

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