Saturday, May 23, 2020

Expectations Written Out Part 3

    When we are learning it takes all our senses.  We have to put forth just a little effort, but with God's help we can learn anything.  We tend to se restrictions as negative because when we break them there are negative consequences.  However, if we change our perspective to see them as positive, then it makes life beautiful.  God requires obedience, but we can have fun doing it.
    We know that we should not lie or be malicious toward other people.  That is a given.  We were brought up hearing the golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated.  Here is where that "rule" falls apart.  Everyone has different expectations on how to be treated.  That is why we need to treat everyone the way God would treat you.  He doesn't have favorites.  He has people that He has chosen for special things, but no favorites.
    Treating people like God would treat you also requires treating your enemies with respect and kindness.  This one is never easy.  It requires a close relationship with God to be able to work and even then you may falter at times.  It may require going against the crowd to live a life of integrity over popularity.
    It is our duty to take care of each other.  There are helpless people out there.  Do not turn a blind eye because you never know if you may become one of those people.  No one likes to be overlooked or ignored, especially when in pain.
    God has expectations that need to be upheld for your mental and emotional health.  If you do not obey these, then you will never have a balanced life.  We need to uphold the Sabbath.  Our bodies and minds work hard all the time.  We need one day a week to rest and spend undivided time with God.  However it goes deeper than that.  If you work the land, then work it for six years and then let it rest on the seventh.  God's world needs rest to be able to take care of us.  
    We need to take time to honor holidays.  Again God created these festivals (holidays) for our health.  We should work hard, but we should rest and have fun too.  You can have a lot of fun and still keep it pure and honorable to God.  Make sure you take time off from work every year to be more productive while you are there.  Pushing through is not always the answer.
    If we rebel against God, then He will not forgive until we see that we are wrong.  When we obey we find ourselves healthier, protected, and full of life.  God can use anything, so He will allow an obedient person to be sick for a purpose.  He gave us borders in life to keep the peace within.  
    However, He gave the Israelites actual borders, so they would not argue among themselves over land.  It required them to drive out the locals and not leave one.  If one remained, then they would never have true peace.  They would constantly have to fight to keep what He was giving them.  However, God was not going to make them do it alone.  He had a warrior angel to lead them.  None of them were warriors, so they did not know how to go about the business of war.  

Exodus 23

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