Sunday, May 24, 2020

Writing It Down

    It is important to write down things.  We all live crazy busy lives and it is so easy to forget things along the way.  However, there are certain things that you do not want to forget.  I am horrible with birthdays and remembering new people's names.  Writing that stuff down helps me remember.  That is something small.  What about the big things?
    God speaks to every believer.  He does not shout at you, hit across the head, or anything else dramatic. He uses the Holy Spirit to whisper things into your soul.  He can use dreams, journaling, devotional, prayer time, or any area of your life that you leave open.  It is import to write what He is telling you because it has meaning.  It just may not feel like it in the moment.  It is also good to record your prayers, so that you can see Him answer them over time.  You can see how much He worked in your life over the years.
    Moses and Aaron took the elders to worship God at the base of Mount Sinai where God was staying in a hovering cloud.  Only Moses could approach Him.  Moses wrote everything God told him and built an altar.  After the sacrifice, Moses read to the people God's covenant.  He saw the value of things being written.  
    Moses talked with Joshua, an up and coming leader.  Moses was his mentor, so he was allowed to go with Moses up the mountain, but not into the cloud.  Moses was leaving the people for a little while to spend quality time with God and to get the commandment in stone, written by God.  Moses left Aaron in charge.  
    God had been in the cloud for six days telling the people what He expected.  Moses prepared the people for his departure to spend time with God.  On the seventh day, Moses entered that cloud.  He stayed there 40 days and nights,  

Exodus 24

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