Monday, May 25, 2020

Its All In the Details

    God cares about the details because it is the little things that make a difference.  It is the details that reveal who we are.  It shows us how He loves us.  He used a great deal of detail in making each and everyone of us.
    God expects us to give a portion of what we earn or receive, but the details matter.  He wants us to give out of love instead of obligation or fear.  The heart is what matters.  The way we chose to give or the reason why reveals our perspective on who is God.  We are only to give what we are willing to give.  It is not an offering if it is forced.
    The Israelites used what they had to make a home for God.  They were nomadic, so the sanctuary needed to be elaborate, but mobile.  If they had to leave in a hurry, they did not want to leave God's house behind.  
    They called it the tabernacle.  It is where they would store the Ark.  The ark was a chest where the 10 commandments would be kept for protection, but it became so much more. 
    God had a hand in the making of His home.  He gave them very detailed description of what He expected.  He was detailed from the smallest details like the dimensions to the materials used.  He told them how many lamps to have and what was allowed in there and what was forbidden.  
    You may not think the details matter.  When you are tired the details are the last thing you care about.  However, God doesn't get tired.  He always cares about the details.  You are one of those details, so He does care how you are doing.  If you are too tired to care about the details, then tell Him.  He will provide rest.

Exodus 25

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