Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Law of Rest

    When it comes to the weekend, why is it so important to you? What do you get out of the weekend?  That is dangerous for the body not to get proper rest, so God gave us laws about rest to protect us from ourselves.
    When we are rested we can enjoy our relationship with God better.  We can have quality life time and invest into other people.  That is why He says we are to work six day and rest on the seventh.  I dont know about you, but working five day and then catching up on everything on day six feels like six days of work to me.  I cherish my Sundays right now where I have virtual SS, I can watch church from the comfort of my couch in my pjs or workout clothes.  I can go hiking or just veg out on the couch.  It is lovely, relaxing, and a lifeline for my week.
    However, God knows that this pace will still wear a person down over physically, mentally, or emotionally over time.  We all have our spots where we need more rest.  He decided it would be good to take some time for holidays to stop, remember, and rejoice.  It can put our lives into perspective where we can enjoy it better.  Some of those holidays are the Passover, after a harvest, Christmas, Easter, your birthday, and more.  
    These are meant to be more than just a long weekend.  Some of God's holidays are to last a week or more.  Here is the thing, we are a work-a-holic nation.  We will not typically take the time we need in life because of fear of losing our jobs or something else.  God understands to a certain extent, but He does expect you to take some time to rest.  Medical facts show that if you take a long weekend every quarter of the year and a full week vacation, then you typically have a healthier mindset throughout the year.  
    We all want that balanced life.  What we have to ask ourselves is what are we willing to give up to have it?  Do we want to work our selves to death for things, please other people, or focus on our relationship with God more?

Leviticus 23

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