Monday, June 22, 2020

Law of Priesthood

    The priesthood is expected to keep all of God's laws, but they have certain laws that only pertain to them.  They are held at a higher standard than everyone else because they are the leaders.  They are responsible for directing the people to God.  If they cause people to turn from God it is a dangerous thing.
    I think this chapter is where it became a thing that priest and nuns could never get married.  I could be wrong, but in the attempt to stay clean and pure they denied themselves marriage.  You can stay holy and be married.  
    Priest are to keep themselves clean and pure at all times.  Priest need to be extra careful in how they treat women and not to profane God's name.  They can marry, but they need to marry a virtuous virgin.  A prostitute or a divorced woman was forbidden because it would diminish being holy.  They also are required to keep their children virtuous.  
    Priest are to always keep a clean appearance.  They don't get the luxury of a pj day where they don't bother to wash their hair or shave or even get dressed.  They are responsible for teaching the people what holy is, so they have to lead by example.  It is goes from hygiene all the way to how they eat.
    If a priest breaks any of the laws they are to be treated with contempt.  They lose all the respect and privilege of their position.  They become like an unacceptable sacrifice.  That was any animal that was sacrificed that had a defect.  So, they become a defect among their people.  
    Priest are people, so they will never be perfect.  However, they are expected to live a life of example.  If they mess up, then they need to own up to it and show the people how to move forward.  Sometimes they need to ask the people to forgive them.  Sometimes, they have to face the consequences and remove themselves from the position.  God is to be the director of those decisions.

Leviticus 21 & 22

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