Thursday, June 18, 2020

Law of Sex

    God wants to be included in every aspect of your life.  When it comes to sex people are too open or too reserved, so God provided some laws or guidelines to help with the confusion.  He wants a married couple to enjoy each other, but let Him be involved enough so not to bring destructiveness into something so beautiful.
    God's laws about sex are simple.  Do not have sexual relations with a family member: especially parent or sibling.  Don't have sex during a woman's menstrual cycle.  Do not have sexual relations with a married person, unless that person is your spouse.  It is pretty basic.  They keep you from having sexually transmitted diseases and dysfunction in the home. 
    Then comes the things that you may think are basic now, but in the beginning it was done often.  Do not sacrifice children.  We don't do blood sacrifices anymore, but I think of it as do not sacrifice a child's innocence or well being (like health or molestation).
   God also coves the areas that are not popular.  If a person even mentions it, they can be shut down or even victimized in a way.  It is a hot topic, so I just want to say that following God does not mean that you hate or dislike the people that live in these sins.  God forbids homosexuality, transsexualism, or sexual relations with an animal.  It is strange to me that God sums the two up together as the ultimate defilement.  It is an insult to who God is, so He says that He will vomit these people out.  
    I do want to point out that just because a person is involved in these things does not mean that they are not Christians.  Christians fail God's will every day.  We are the ones that judge what sin is worse than the other.  Sexual sins have a different stronghold on people.  God expects us to turn away from all our sins and give them to Him to deal with.  
    I just think that sexual sin is harder to let go for some reason.  Every adult has an issue in this area: homosexuality, pornography, molestation, masturbation, premarital sex, or even running from it.  It is a hard one to protect yourself from in the society that we live in.  It is not an issue that we can just ignore. 

Leviticus 18

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