Saturday, June 13, 2020

Ministry Begins

    Before Exodus there was no real church.  They still did not call what they were a church, but they were the beginning of ministry.  They set the foundation and the guidelines to be followed according to God's standards.  It was the beginning of a relational change with God.
    They gathered as a community to meet.  Aaron and his sons would ceremonially clean and go before them.  They all watched as Moses annointed God's house, then Aaron, then his sons.  Before ever beginning a ministry, you need to make sure it is God's plan and be consecrated.  This is what sets you aside from everyone else.  This took seven days where they remained in God's house.
   Day 8 the ministry began.  The priest made a sacrifice, so that God would come to them.  Then, Aaron blessed the people.  God consumed the burnt offering and fat that was on the altar.  It was His way of accepting what they offered and agreeing to honor Aaron's blessings.  This of course scared the people and they fell to their faces.

Leviticus 8 & 9

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