Friday, June 12, 2020

Types of Offerings: Part 2

    The OT teaches us a lot about values, but it is more than that, it goes into the why.  Some things are as simple as "because I said so".  However, if you look at a lot of things you see that it provides a healthier lifestyle that brings on longevity and exuberance.  It is when we ignore the guidelines that our bodies begin to fail.  It is science provided by God.
    Yesterday we learned a little more about burnt, grain, and sin offerings.  That is just the beginning.  God wants to be in every aspect of your life, so He provides a way.  Guilt can be a leading reason to avoid God, so He provided a guilt offering.  It was basically like the sin offering, but with the intent to take away the burden of stress.  Today, instead of avoiding God, go to Him about why you are guilty.  He is still waiting to take the burdens away.
    The Fellowship Offering was intended to express thanksgiving.  We do not need to go to God just when we are in trouble, hurting, or feel negatively.  We need to go to Him in the good times too.  He wants to hear how your day was good for you.  The Fellowship Offering usually worked along side with a vow or free will offering, but slightly different rules with the food.  All three the people had to be ceremonially clean.  
    There were rules against eating the fat from a dead animal and blood was never to be comsumed.  Blood is the life instrument that God gave all animals and people.  To drink blood is to steal the life from a living things.  If anyone did this, then they were cut off.  Today, you see how consuming fat and blood continuously causes people to die years before they needed to.
    All offerings have laws to keep them Holy.  Basically we need to remember that God comes first and keep our bodies pure to worship Him.  Our bodies are the altar and the offerings are what we put into it or do with it.  Honor what God has given you and you will see the rewards.  Ignore it and watch your body suffer.
Leviticus 7

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