Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Image

    God's people went from being slaves to free to a promise, but they did not really have things.  They still could not really envision what God was giving them.  It had only been a few months, not even a year, since their escape.  They have had a lot happen to them.  They have seen a lot and it takes some time for it to all register.  They had an image in their mind about how life should look.  Does that sound familiar?  We all have an image in our mind and life rarely looks like how we imagined.
    They lived seeing people with power dress a certain way and look elegant.  They wanted the same things and God wanted them to have things.  It is just that His perspective is different than a human's perspective.  He provided the priest special wardrobes.  They were the only ones that wore royal colors: blue, purple, and scarlet.  It is how they stood apart visibly.
    On top of the fine clothing, they had an ephod which is associated with seeking God's Word.  It was worn kind of like a kilt.  They had a breast plate because they were the leaders.  That meant if the people were in trouble, they should be on the front lines defending the people.  
    Aaron and his sons got something extra since they were the leaders of all the priest.  They had tunics, turbans, and a sash to stand apart even more.  It revealed that they held more responsibility.  Aaron had a diadem of gold that read "Holy to the Lord".  
    When everything was finished, Moses blessed it and them.  He blessed the tabernacle, furniture, priest, and their clothing.
    It is okay to want things.  We just have to keep our motives in check.  Things can't become more important to us than our relationship with God.  With the right motivation, it is good to ask for things from God.  He wants to do things for us.

Exodus 39

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