Saturday, June 6, 2020

Seeing Your Work Come Together

    Have you ever put together a complicated puzzle?  When you are done you look at it and appreciate all the work you invested.  It looks good, but if one piece is missing, then it can never be complete and throws off the entire dynamic.  The same goes for a team.  If one person does not do their part, it never gets to be what it was meant to be.
    The Israelites worked together using the skills or abilities.  When God's house was complete they were able to take inventory and be proud of what they accomplished.  Every person's contribution is different.  That is what makes each individual aspect beautiful.  It may not be easy, but it is worth it.
    They had a structure with an altar to make sacrifices to God.  They had furniture with accessories.  They had a wash basin with a mirror at the entrance.  The structure had a courtyard that faced the sunrise.  Put it all together and it was absolutely beautiful and pleasing to God.
    They came together to use the materials that they had.  They had gotten a lot from the Egyptians, so it was not shabby or dull.  However, in the desert setting, it would not of lasted.  It needed to be used.  They came together with what they had to serve God as one.  It is always beautiful when that happens.  

Exodus 38

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