Friday, June 5, 2020

Learning How to Build

    When learning a new skill it takes time and patience.  It is when you are developing it that you begin to feel accomplished.  That is when you can take pride in what you are producing.  I am talking about the pride of accomplishment that produces excitement and encourages you to continue.  I am not talking about the kind of pride that makes God angry: you did it all on your own.
    To get to a good place at work, it requires submitting to God and allowing Him to develop you.  It is allowing yourself to be uncomfortable for a while with the faith that it will not always be like that.  It requires perseverance to continue on when you want to stop.  Then one day you can see it all come together and it is beautiful.
    God has given us more than what we immediately see.  We have to reflect and make room for more.  That means get rid of the things that don't bring life into your soul to make room to make things better.  That is what the Israelites had to do to get that Tabernacle made (God's house).  They had to push themselves and Bezalel and Oholiab to get the find things made to fill that house.  They understood what God wanted and how to do it, but they had to teach everyone else.  It can be very difficult to be a teacher at time.
    In the end, the ark was amazingly made with it's beautiful atonement cover.  It had an elaborate table to sit on.  There were lamps made out of gold to imitate flowers that were near the altar of incense.  There was anointing oil that was pure.  There was more stuff made to have it grand.  It was all new and exciting, but it took a lot of work to get there.  It did not come natural and it required working together.  They had to work and so do we.

Exodus 36 & 37

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      When reading the Bible it is important to know how to follow the stories.  It is important to understand what you are reading and why ...