Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Work Begins

    Moses assembled the Israelites to give them God's commandments.  It was like church.  He told them what God expected while they chose to listen or not.  It is an individual choice to listen and let what you learn apply to your life.  You can force a person to church, but you cant force them to care, pay attention, or change.
    Moses emphasized the importance of honoring the Sabbath.  I think out of all the commands that require choice and action or lack of action, this is by far the most important to God.  Here is the catch, we are supposed to use the idle time to focus on Him.  It is not just a day to be lazy.  I think most of us see it that way.  We may go to church, but then we veg out in front of the t.v., pick up a book and read, or go to a game.  This is not usually the best way to honor God, but sometimes it is.  It is something to pray over.
    Moses gave the people the instructions on how to build God's house.  It would require everyone to give a portion of what they have.  Tithe is important to God because it is supposed to be used for the good of the people of the church and the building itself.  
    To build God's house required skills: natural or learned.  It would require them to work together with their ability of administration, loogistics, and craftiness.  Having occupation and purpose gave the people joy.  They were happy to do whatever God wanted.
    The key is to learn, then teach.  God pours into you through the Word and the Holy Spirit.  Once we have a strong foundation, then we are meant to teach others like Bezalel and Oholiab did.  People do not get there on their own.  We are responsible for each other, like it or not.  I get that it can be hard.  Most of us like our personal space, but sometimes we have to give that up to love God like Jesus loves us.

Exodus 35

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