Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Fixing What You Broke

    When a person gets something special, they usually cherish it.  However, life happens.  Sometimes that cherished thing gets broken.  Sometime you are the one that broke it and have to fix it.  Fixing something that is broken is not always easy.  It normally never goes back to the way it was.  Sometimes you can't fix it and you have to start over.  This can be things, relationships, or even your own body or mind.
    God had written out the 10 commandments on two tablets for His people, but when Moses saw their rebellion He got so angry that he broke them without thinking about it.  It was a reaction, but God made Moses chisel the 10 commandments on two new tablets to replace the ones he broke.  God was not angry at him, but He was not going to just redo what Moses had broken.  This took another days and nights.
    This time when Moses went up the mountain God wanted to be seen and declare Himself to the people would not get tempted again, so soon, to act out.  He came in the form of a cloud and announced who He is.  He is compassionate, slow to anger, and abounds in love and truth.  
    Durning the 40 days, Moses worship and asked for forgiveness for all he people.  He understood that people are stubborn and hard-hearted in different areas.  God liked how Moses was handling the situation, so He mad a covenant with Moses: no treaties with the locals in the promised land, worship of other gods, or any idols and in return they got the promised land.  Basically kick everyone out and destroy all their pagan things where no reminders survive.  
    When Moses returned to camp, his face was radiant.  There is a physical response when you spend time with God.  It may display itself in many different ways, but for Moses he glowed.  This actually scared the people where they would no go near him until he called to them.  After that Moses covered his face unless he was with God.  It is amazing how 40 days can changes the heart, mind, and soul.  
    He gave the people the 10 commandments and prepared them for what was to come next.  The time of rest and healing was over.  It was time to get to work.

Exodus 34

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