Monday, June 29, 2020

The Levite Clans

    Levites were the clan set apart for God's use. They were part of a big nation, but they had branches within their clan.
    The Kethathites served in caring for the holy things in God's house.  It was a very detail oriented job.  When the nation moved, they carried the holy things, but were never to touch them.  Only Moses, Aaron, or his sons could touch the holy things.
    The Gershonites took care of the burdensome things in God's house.  The Merarites were responsible for the care of God's house.  Since it was a tent, it had to be maintained constantly.  Both branches worked under Ithamar.  
    The Levite workers were in the ages of 30-50.  Fifty was the age of retirement.  They had 8,580 men working on and in God's house.
    When it comes to the church, there are a lot of people on the staff and most are not a pastor.  We need to acknowledge what everyone else does.  They make it where the pastor's job can be done well.  A pastor can preach anywhere, but others make it more interactive.  There are people that make it where you can follow along the serman (projector, ebullition, or tv), have good music, a clean building, or a building at all.  It takes a good team.  
    We all have our role in the church.  If you do not, then you need to ask yourself why.  If you are registered in a church, then you should find a way to be a part of that church. Don't be content to just sit an listen to the sermon and go on your way.  If you can't find a place, then look for a place where God can use you.  Christianity has not players sitting on the sidelines.

Numbers 4

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