Saturday, June 20, 2020

Why Laws?

    Laws have been around since humans inhabited the world.  Why can't we function as a society without rules and regulations?  Why can't people just be allowed to live however they desire?  Even the best people are restricted in some area or another.  But Why?
    When people are left to their own devices everything turns to chaos.  The laws open our eyes and challenge us to see things from another person's perspective, or at least God's reasoning.  God revealed laws to humans to open up the opportunity for us to get closer to Him.  His laws are good.  If a law is a burden or unjust, then it came from humans trying to manipulate things. The purpose of laws is to have society live in peace and be rid of anything toxic.
    God's laws are holy.  He tries to keep it simple and focused around one theme: true, pure love.  The torah is all the laws elaborated.  It covers how to love God, honor your parents, provide for others, and how to act holy.  Laws are vital for society to understand how to treat each other.  The confusion comes from a poor delivery of the laws: intimidation, bullying, or abuse.
    Laws are there to protect others and yourself.  We are not to mutilate our bodies.  This is the chapter to go to if you have questions about the morality of tattoos, piercing, or anything else related to the changing how God created the body.  Ultimately, we are to keep ourselves holy.  
    Do not do anything that will distort your mind, body, or soul.  That includes not seeking physics, fortune tellers, or witches.  They open the doors to all spirits.  That includes evil ones.  Once a door it open, it is not easy to close again.  
    Show your elders respect.  They have experienced things in the world that you have not.  They have wisdom that comes with age.  They can teach you so many things.  
    Be honest with yourself and everyone else.  That is the only way you can keep God's accords.  Treat others how you want to be treated.  Do all you can not to hold a grudge against another person.  Grudges are another door to a toxic door that is hard to close. 

Leviticus 19

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