Thursday, July 16, 2020

Being Summoned Part 1

    I don't know about you, but I don't like the thought of being summoned.  It makes me think that someone thinks they are so much more important than me that I have to drop everything to come at their order.  It brings along negative and rebellious emotions or dread that I am in some sort of trouble.  To be summoned is to be called to convene, service, or to court.  It is not a bad thing within itself, but it is interpreted negatively because of how people typically handle the situation.
    The Israel nation was camped by the Jordan River across from Jericho, just surviving and minding their own business.  However, their presence freaked out King Balak.  He summoned Balaam to curse the Israelites.  
    God spoke to the pagan Balaam to tell him not to even think about cursing His people or going with the messengers.  If anything, he was to bless God's people.  The messengers bribed the man and would not let up to the point that Balaam went with them.  Maybe he did not realize he was talking to God, but he knew he was talking to something with power.  He had no plans on curing the Israelites, but he fell to the pressure.
    God was angry with Balaam, so he sent an angel to oppose the journey.  Balaam's donkey saw the angel had a sword when none of the people in the group could.  The poor creature was so scared and ran into the field which angered Balaam.  He tried to beat the donkey into submission.  The donkey could not win no matter what she did, so she laid down.  The fact was Balaam was kind of in the same situation as the donkey.  
    God chose to speak to Balaam through the donkey's mouth since he was not listening to anything else would get through the man's pride.  This is when he was allowed to see the angel.  I think it was a very humbling experience.  The angel asked him why he had beaten his poor donkey when she was protecting him.  The angel gave Balaam permission to continue on his, but to do everything God commanded once there.
    God has no problem usually with us making choices in life.  He just wants to be consulted.  He is not a micromanager, but he sees things in situations that we do not see.  He knows the grand scale of events when we only see our small portion.  He can provide enlightenment, encouragement, wisdom, and discernment that will allow us to make the best decisions and choices.  Why go into the unknown unarmed.  Be prepared for anything and everything by using the tools that He has given you.  

Numbers 22

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