Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Journey Continues

    How we look at life is up to us.  We can allow life events to bury us in anxiety, depression, anger, or any other negative feeling or emotion.   Or we can chose to look at each event as an opportunity.  I am not saying that it is easy.  I am not saying you wont have dark days.  It is an overall trust that God will take care of you through life and not giving into any escape from life.
    The original leaders of the Israelites were beginning to die, but the nation had to move forward.  They faces many obstacles.  One obstacle was the Canaanite King who sent his army to attack them.  He had no cause.  They were not being aggressive.  He just did not want them there.  They chose to go to God for deliverance.  He had the kings city completely destroyed.  
    However, when they were just moving with no real action.  Life became mundane.  This can be the most dangerous time.  It can be easier to to turn to God when life is scary, but when it is just one day after another and you feel like there is no purpose it can be easy to give up.  This is when the people began to complain about Moses again.  
    I think this is actually the hardest times in life because you have too much time to focus on the things you want or do not have instead of all you have gotten through and have now.  God will send drama into the ungrateful person's life.  He sent venomous snakes to the people.  Everyone who was bitten died.  This changed their attitude fast.  God had Moses make a bronze snake and put on a pole, so that if a person was bitten and they looked at it and survive.  
    They met more obstacles in their journey.  They seemed to be met with hostility everywhere they went.  It must have been hard on Moses, who had already lost his brother and sister.  I wonder if he had any close friends to help him on the bad days.  He still managed to keep the people going and on the path that God had set.

Numbers 21

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