Thursday, July 2, 2020

How to do a Dedication

    God has a hand in every aspect of life.  It is the little details that matter to Him, but that we don't even think about giving over to Him.  It is not intentional, it just kind of happens more times than not.  That is why He had everything written out.  I may feel repetitive, but we are forgetful people.  We need reminders.  
    He wants to be involved in your personal life from your wardrobe to the big life events.  That means we need to include Him in all ceremonies, not just church.
    God gave the out line of how He wanted things, then the people went and did it.  After that, they got to celebrate.  Next came the formal ceremony of the dedication.  It was to acknowledging that all the hard work was for Him and because of Him.  
    The dedication was the Tabernacle (God's home) being anointed.  The leaders if each tribe made offerings.  Then the altar was anointed.  There was a procession of the order of how things were done.  The dedication offering was given over a 12 day period, so that each tribe could make their contribution.  One tribal contribution a day.  Each offering was different.  Some were material and some were animals.  .  
    One thing done out of place or time, then it would have all been disrespectful.  There is a reason why leaders get ocd about things sometimes. When it comes to what you can give to God or others, don't compare yours to other people's contributions.  We are to give to God from what He has provided for us.  To compare makes people feel insignificant or prideful.  That is an insult to what He has given to you right now.  

Numbers 7

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