Wednesday, July 1, 2020


    Nazirite means consecrated, devotion, and separation. A Nazirite is person set apart for a specific purpose and time for God.  It is different from the firstborns and Levites type of being separated.  It is not something they were normally born into.  They normally chose this for themselves and once they made a vow they had to live a certain way until it was fulfilled, but some did it for life.
     While a person is living as a Nazarite they cannot drink alcohol or consume anything fermented.  A man cannot shave or cut his hair.  Women were not a part of this, but I believe if woman wanted  to devote themselves to God like a Nazirite, they could.  It was a man run world back then.  Women could do nothing without a man.  It is different now.
    A Nazirite could not touch anything that was dead because they were consecrated.  They were to be pure mind, body, and soul.  That meant they had to avoid anything that could contaminate them even if it was not convenient, even if it looked bad to everyone else.  They had to live in honor of God.
    When their vow was fulfilled or the term was complete, then the person would present an offering to God.  Not a sacrifice because how they lived was the sacrifice.  The offering was gratitude for God getting them through it and seeing God in a new light.  Kind of like how you feel enlightened after a fast.  Just imagine if you went this much further into that fast.  What would you discover?
    Then, the person would shaving and cut their hair and burn it.  After the offering and burning all the hardships away, then they were allowed to drink.  Christians are allowed to drink, we are just commanded not to loose control.  We are not to get drunk of over indulge in anything.  It needs to be a decision you make with God because only the two of you truly understand how to best live your life for and with Him.  Do not let others influence or pressure you in either direction.
    When all this is done, then a priest would bless you.  Today, I believe God would give you the blessing personally.  He knows what motivates you, what your heart desires, and what you need.  He is gracious.  The blessing was safety and peace for what they endured.  

Numbers 6

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