Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Making Offerings

    Offerings are what you give back to God out of everything He has given you.  It can be monetary, portion of crops or livestock.  It can be time or relationships.  What we give does not matter nearly as much as where our heart is when we are giving.  God spent a lot of time on the subject because He understands that this is a deep heart issue and we need a little perspective sometimes.
    God told us how to give.  He left a little wiggle room because everyone is in different place in life and have different mind and heart sets.  It is good to make it a habit to give, but just check in once in a while to make sure that you are not becoming arrogant over how much or how often you give.  Give when it is hard and give generously when life is easier.  
    The days of the Hebrew nation was wondering in the wilderness things were more rigid than they are now.  Food offerings were made at an appointed time.  The Sabbath offering was in addition to a daily offering.  The Monthly offering was to be given on the first of each month.  It had a few additions for the new moon and new year.  It was a sin offering to represent a fresh start.
    The Passover was an offering period that lasted seven days with strict dietary restrictions.  The Feast of Weeks was during the first fruits of a harvest.  It was a time of offerings and celebration of life.  Giving does not have to be horrible.  It can be a time of rejoicing.  
    The Feast of Trumpets was a period of atonement offerings and rest.  When they sounded the trumpets no on could work.  For some that could be a sacrifice in itself.
    They had a Day of Atonement where no one in the entire nation would work and everyone would make an atonement offering.  Feast of Tabernacles was a sacred assembly where the nation would rest for seven days.  The offerings had specific criteria for each day.  People would make vows during this time and make freewill offerings.  These were busy times for the Levites who would get more rest when everyone else was working like crazy.
    We have it so much simpler now.  We give a tithe.  We may make donations to a church, the poor, or an organization.  Occasionally people give to missionaries, non-prophits, or other organizations as they feel led.  
    We fail as a nation to take time off to rejuvenate.  We have some holidays, but people are still working.  We never completely shut down.  Could you imagine what a healthier nation we would have if we actually took time for ourselves and God.  Just imagine how much more productive we would be and happier if we would be if we actually take a week to a month off to do good things and rest.

Numbers 28 & 29

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