Monday, July 20, 2020

Training Leaders

    Leaders may be born, but good leaders are developed.  A good leader had good mentors growing up.  They had people preparing them and teaching them what they needed to know.  A good leader teaches another person how to replace them without fear of losing their position because they understand that no one can replace who they are.  They never stop learning and growing.
    In the days of the Hebrews women were mostly in the back ground with no voice or position.  One man only had daughters so they went to an assembly of the leaders to ask for something that had never been done before.  They asked that they got his portion of land since he died with no sons.  Inheritances always went to men.
    The women did not want their name to disappear.  Moses took this into serious consideration and to God.  They changed everything.  It became a law that if a man among their people died without a son that the daughters would receive the inheritance.  If there were no children, then the closest relative.  That is the kind of leadership that needs to be taught.  Never be afraid to ask for the impossible.
    Moses had spent over 40 years training and investing into Joshua.  Moses had prepared him for anything he would have to face.  It is unknown if it was intentional or not.  Maybe Moses just liked him and saw good qualities, but it doesn't matter why.  What matters is that he prepared Joshua to be able to lead when he was no longer there.
    When Moses had served his purpose, God sent him up a mountain to see the promised land that he would never enter.  He was the only one of that generation allowed to see it.  Moses went up that mountain knowing he would die there.  He prayed to God to appoint someone over the people, so that they would not scatter, be vulnerable, or fall apart.  He understood that it was ultimately God's decision on who would lead the nation.  When God told Moses it was Joshua, Moses commissioned him.  Moses wanted everyone to know who their leader would be, so that there would not be any power struggles.

Numbers 27

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