Sunday, July 5, 2020

Moving Forward

    For more than two years the Hebrews had run from their enemy, found refuge, and rebuilt a nation.  They had stayed in the same region for the most part not really moving forward very much. God knew they needed the time to heal before being able to really appreciate His gift to them.  Once they healed, God provided structure to run a successful and thriving country.  Once they had that, it was time to start moving toward their mutual goals.
    God had Moses make a few trumpets that would structure their movements.  With thousands of people you can't just say lets go and expect everyone to get moving.  The trumpets let people know when to move, when to stop, when to go to battle, and so forth.  Aaron's sons were responsible for the trumpets.  It was also used as a reminder of who their savior really was.
    When they finally left Sinai, they entered the Desert of Paran.  They went out in divisions that had already been established and traveled for three days.  Moses praised God openly.
    It is okay, even good, to take the time you need to really heal from spiritual, emotional, or even physical wounds.  If you don't then the scars become hard, tough tissue.  It can keep you from getting some of the gifts that God is trying to give you.  You have to be in a place where you can receive to be able to appreciate.

Number 10

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