Friday, August 28, 2020

How to Say Goodbye

    Goodbyes are hard because it is an end.  It may not be forever, but you know that things are never going to be the same.   Some people over do it and make the people around them uncomfortable or exasperated.  Other people kind of gloss over it and really don't acknowledge it on the surface.  The only experts are people that have experienced a lot of loss in your life.
    Moses had a grand farewell for the people that he had led for so many years.  His goodbye was the final goodbye and he knew he had to do it right.  He had to make it clear what needed to happen after he was no longer there to take care of them.
    He began in Deuteronomy 31 with reading God's law.  In this chapter he has moved on to singing.  The song went into how strong and perfect God is.  God is just.  Moses celebrated his life in the light of God.  
    He warns the people about becoming corrupt, warped, or turning to evil because it is their children that would pay the price.  Moses warned about becoming content because it leads to wondering eyes and mind.  God is the rock.  To have a solid life, then a person has to be with Him.
    Moses went into the importance of discernment, wisdom and understanding.  God is the judge of life, but he has compassion for the atoned people.  He will give strength where none can be found.  Just be steadfast in your devoted obedience to Him.
    Moses made his goodbye about God.  He focused on what God has done, will do, and ended with a warning.  His life was all about his relationship with God.  He understood that it was the most important thing.  He accepted his punishment for sinning against God.  His last act was going onto Mount Nebo to overlook the promised land.  That is where he died..

Deuteronomy 32  

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