Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Organized Worship


    There are all sorts of ways to worship God.  One way is to embrace organization.  It is working with other believers to accomplish things.  It is going the extra mile to making others feel warm and special.  It is celebrating the holidays in a special way.  It is all the little extra things you do with the attitude of doing it for God.
    The first real holiday in the Christian history was the Passover.  It was done a very specific way to remember all God did for His people.  It was done very strategically and strictly, but it was because the story was vital to remember exactly how it actually happened.  God took His people from the worst situation to freedom.
    Then God provided other holidays so that His people could rest and remember all He has done.  Two of these special holidays were Feast of Weeks and Feast of Tabernacle.  It was about worship, rest, and food.  Most people really enjoy food, so why not make it a part of your worship?
    God later provided judges to keep the communities organized.  Organization can lead to freedom and peace of mind, so it can become a form of worship.  The job of the judge was to keep things fair, be just, and display righteousness.  They had to be people of good moral standing so not to pervert the system with favoritism or accepting bribes.  People in a position with power have to live their job throughout the day.  It is not a 9-5 gig like most people.
    Lastly, staying organized with your worship can help you keep your focus.  This is important, so that you do not unintentionally drift off toward other gods.  It is easier than you may think.  Keeping your personal life organized can keep things in perspective.

Deuteronomy 16

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