Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Give Freedom


    When a person holds something over you, they are taking your freedom away from you.  It can be freedom of time, energy, emotions, fincances, or some other area.  They may not see it that way, but when a person, group, or government takes your freedom away they are making you a slave to them.
    God understands how this world works better than me or you.  He knows how easily this can happen.  We sell ourselves for the things we want.  That includes a car payment or mortgage.  We make ourselves slaves for the bank, so that we can have that dream house and ideal car.  The best way is to work hard, save money and earn interest, then buy.  Most of us are not able to have that kind of luxury.  That is why God set guidelines on how to handle it.  We should also pray over any type of large purchase or loan.
    A person can have seven years of debt, then then it should be canceled.  That means we need to do all we can to pay it in seven years or less to be honorable, but the lender needs to set the loaner free in seven years no matter what.  This goes within your own community or circle because life is about relationships.  For an outsider it is not necessarily true, but you should do right by them and never take advantage of a situation.  Be conscience of the poor and their situation.  Things can always change and you can find yourself in the same shoes.
    A person that sells themselves into slavery of any kind should only serve six years and be set free on the seventh.  On the seventh year send them to go live their life in a way that they can actually start a life.  That means with more than what they brought in.  Let people go with good will in your heart and a desire for the best for them.  If you have done good by them, they may chose to stay.  That is where the term bonded-servant came from.  They stay because it is their choice, not because they were forced.
    Believe it or not, God knows how money will make a person a slave.  That is why the firstborn are automatically set aside for Him.  The first of what we make should go to Him.  It means that we trust Him with every aspect of life.  It means that we chose to be His bonded servant.

Deuteronomy 15

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